Wednesday, December 8, 2010

If You Could Change ONE Thing About Your Diet....

I find that there is so much contradictory information and fad diets out there that people just get overwhelmed and paralyzed, and end up making no changes.  So, if I could get you to change one thing, just ONE thing about the way you eat, it'd be this:  Breakfast = oatmeal mixed with protein powder and almond milk (or lowfat milk) within an hour upon waking.

Here's what I've found -- most people put off eating breakfast (or skip it altogether) until they are so hungry they have to eat.  Then they are playing "catch-up" for the rest of the day.  We've all heard breakfast is the most important meal of the day.  Nonsense.  They are all important.  But breakfast sets the tone for the entire day.  It is also the only time you are eating after 8 hours of fasting.

It's not only what you eat, but when you eat that matters.   Eating every 3 to 4 hours is SO important, if only to keep your metabolism revved up.  When you fast or go very long periods between eating, your metabolism actually slows down.  The body is very smart.  If you are eating consistently, it knows it will be getting fed and burns calories at higher rate.  If you are inconsistent, or go very long periods between eating, your body feels as if it is starving and actually holds onto its energy (for fear it won't be getting more anytime soon).  So, eating more frequently actually speeds up your metabolism.

For me it's simple:  lean proteins + complex, high fiber carbohydrates + mono- and poly-unsaturated fats pretty evenly distributed (trying for a 50/30/20 breakdown works well for me:  50% carbs, 30% protein, 20% fat) at each meal and throughout the day, eating every 3 - 3 1/2 hours.  No processed foods (unless I'm cheating).  Yes, sometimes I cheat.  Ice cream here, slice of pizza there.  But the staples of my diet are intact along with my workout schedule, which makes it possible to have decadent foods here and there.

Starting your day with my oatmeal concoction will fill you up, give you energy to start your day and will only run you 300-400 calories.  Most people make the mistake of cutting calories at breakfast, perhaps grabbing a 100 cal yogurt or a banana on the way out the door.  Let's follow this hypothetical eating plan throughout the day:  100 cal yogurt or banana for breakfast, 10 or 10:30 rolls around and you're starving so order an egg and cheese on toast for "2nd breakfast".  You feel like that was enough to get you through the afternoon so you skip lunch, getting very hungry again around 4.  But you don't want to ruin your dinner so you just snack on fruit and cookies until dinner at 6 or 6:30 when you're completely starving and you give in to the burger and french fries.  Sound familiar?  That pattern can be easily changed by eating a heartier breakfast.  I believe we crave high fat, high carb foods when we are depriving ourselves.  So, nip it in the bud.  Fill yourself up first thing in the morning to set yourself up for a nutritious mid-morning snack, then a healthy lunch followed by a late afternoon snack.  By the time dinner rolls around, you've stabilized your insulin throughout the day and you'll feel satisfied with a moderately portioned, healthy dinner.

 So here it is:

1/2 cup oatmeal with enough water to soak the oats, microwave on high for 1 min 30 seconds.  Add 1/2 scoop to 1 full scoop (depending on your size, workout intensity and goals) and mix with 1/4 almond milk (or lowfat milk).  Stir.  Optional:  add 1/2 cup of your favorite high fiber cereal.  I'm a big fan of Kashi Go Lean Crunch.

That's been my breakfast just about every morning for 15 years.  If you could make just ONE change right now, that'd be it.  Give it a shot.  What have you got to lose?

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